Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bless Me?

"Bless Mommy, bless Grandma, bless Daddy..." No blessing for me...why would you?

Friday, December 10, 2010


Why don't you ask when you know something's wrong? Why do you insist on acting like everything's fine? Why won't you talk to me when I really need you to? Why don't you understand how it feels for me to be here alone, watching our life happen without me....and even worse, with someone else taking my place. Why don't you see the problem with that or why it would hurt me? Why don't you understand?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Want Me

You do things for me, you think of me, you say things to make me smile or laugh or melt my do and say so many things that I enjoy about you...but what I need is for you to want me...why don't you want me?

Desire A Desperate Need

All I want at this moment is to have you hold me, naked in your arms, and making love to me for hours...I want you, I need you, now.